AnimeVGStuff:Welcome:Hi. Welcome to AnimeVGStuff. Is this your first visit? Here, I will post anime/game/other music/video files, for you to download. You can also request files. Enjoy your visit, and be sure to check out my music videos. Also, be sure to visit my Hotline server sometime, as well. I bet that it has a lot that you would like.Updates:8/21/00:-I moved the page to http://www.geocities.com/animevgstuff/index.html. Go there for the updated page. -I also joined a few redirecting services. Now, to visit my site, just type in either: http://go.to/animevgstuff.com (contains delay page), or http://animevgstuff.cjb.net (no delay page). FTP Server:URL: User Name: anonymous Password: gundam Port: 21 -Use the information above, to log on to my FTP server. There, I will post some music videos. Check it out. Disclaimer:By downloading material from this site, you agree that:-AnimeVGStuff/Cclrooundo/Cyrus are nicknames that Charlie Brusch uses/goes by. Anything affiliated with one of the four names, is also affiliated with the other three. -AnimeVGStuff is not a site for cracks, pornography, warez, pirating, illegal distribution, or any other thing of the sort. There are many other sites for them. -AnimeVGStuff is for evalulatory purposes only. If you like the song or movie, then buy the CD/Game/Video, or visit the creator's website. -If you download MP3's/videos, you must delete them from your computer within 24 hours (unless you already own the CD/Game/Video from which they came, or are their creator). -AnimeVGStuff does not take responsibility for the actions of its visitors. Therefore, if a visitor, or visitors decide to illegaaly distribute, reproduce, or copy the material that AnimeVGStuff offers, AnimeVGStuff will not take responsibility for their actions, and will not be held accountable. -AnimeVGStuff has not copyrighted anything that is anyone else's. I give full credit to those who have created and produced the material. -AnimeVGStuff is not here to get anybody angry. If you dislike having your stuff posted, and have proof that it is in fact yours, then email me, and I will take it down. Site Re-started: 4/3/00. |