Don't laugh. I have been getting this question quite often on Napster. Anime is animation created by the Japanese. It is known to be more explicit/graphic/sexual/violent then American animation. In other words, if you rent an anime, don't expect to see the Gummi Bears. |
An MP3 is a music file in the format of .MP3. MP3's are digitized music files, that you can store and play on your computer. On average, for every 1 minute of music, it takes up 1 meg of space. |
You need an MP3/Music Player for your computer. There are many around, but your best bet would be WinAmp, but others are fine as well. Most of them are freeware, so download the one you like. |
There are many different types of video files. They vary greatly in quality, and size. The four that I have on my site, are: MOV, AVI, RM, and MPG. AVI's are uncompressed video, that take up the most space. They are about medium quality. RM's are Real Player files, and are the worst around. The sound is only decent, and the video is terrible. People only use the RM format to stream media, and to make the download size smaller. The MOV format is the Quicktime format. This format is better quality than Real Player, but worse than AVI. It also takes up more space then Real Player, but less than AVI. Quicktime is free and widly known, so many sites use the Quicktime format. MPG is considered to be the best format. With mediocre file size, but great picture and good sound, many people prefer MPG's over all other formats. Whenever I make a video, I put it in the MPG format. |
There are many different ways to play movie files. For MPG's, I don't really recommend any specific player, because I don't really know of many. But, I heard Windows Media Player works pretty well. To play AVI's, I recommend that you use Real Player, or you just look at the file's properties, and preview it. Naturally, to play RM's, you need Real Player, and to play MOV's, you need Quicktime. |
It's quite possible. Check my folders, and if it's not there, request it. I may be able to provide you with the MP3/Video. |
Well, you could send it to me, and I will give you credit. Or, you could tell me where you got it. |
No. I will not post them, because their profits are souly based on their albums. If I distribute MP3's of a real album, then they lose a complete sale. But, if I distribute an MP3/Video from an anime/game, then people will know what the anime/game is like. That in turn, may get the people intersted enough to buy it. Which will help the producers/creators make a sale. I only post files that have some relation to anime, games, television, movies, videos, cartoons, or files that the companies allow me to post. |
It depends. If I can find it, I might. But, if I fulfill a request for you to post a whole album, then that means that I have to ignore other requests. Most likely, I won't do that. I will maybe post an MP3 from that album every once in a while. I will most likely not post a whole movie/video, unless I am allowed to, or unless it has already been shown on tv. I do not try to break copyrights, and take sales away from the creators/producers of my content. I only try to make my site enjoyable to my viewers, and allow them to preview what they are going to buy/view shortly. But, remember my disclaimer. If you do not own the CD/video, and you are just looking for the whole album/video, then I can't be held accountable for you, because I offer my content to people who already have the CD/video, or want to preview the CD/video before they go out to buy/view it. |
There are many reasons why I may not have posted your request. (Sadly, it is not because I am getting too many requests). How did you request it? Did you post it in my forum, e-mail me, or what? Did you put in the correct email address, or the right description. Or maybe, there is a slim chance, but maybe, I was not able to get a hold of the MP3/Video. If that happens, I sincerely apologize. |
I update whenever possible. But, since I go to school, and have baseball on weekdays, I most likely won't update during the early parts of the day. I update mostly on weekday nights, and weekends/holidays. Somedays I will have other things to do, so if you don't get an update, don't think I abandoned you. |
First, don't go around thinking your hot stuff. Just think how many files and names I have to remember/know. How about you? None? That's what I thought. Just email me, and inform me of the error, and I'll fix it. |
I get my MP3's/Videos from many different places. Just check my sources page, for a few of them. I also make some of my MP3's/Videos, from the original CD's/animes/games. I recommend you purchase them at various internet stores, like,, and others. |
The MP3's may be cut-off for a few reasons. First off, the MP3 could have just been a little cut off. If an MP3 is only cut off a little, I may still post it. Or, maybe the MP3 was not recorded from a CD, but a game. Since most gaming music just plays cycles over and over, they have no real end to them. But, since you have to end it sometime, there is nothing you can do, but just stop it abruptly. |
I compress them for a handful of reasons. First of all, the compression makes the files a little smaller, which in turn, makes them quicker to download. That helps out the people with the slower modems. Also, when I think of compressing a file, I think of it as a way of protecting it. When you compress, you make an outside cage, and squish the file together. Then, when someone downloads the file, bits of it are lost in cyberspace. But, they do not lose part of the file, they lose part of the cage. Thus, the whle file is still intact, when you un-zip it. And anyway, handles zipped files better, than non-zipped files (.wav, .mpg, etc.). |
To find out who I am, and what I like/do, visit my about section. It has various stats/info. about me. |
Do whatever you want, because it isn't my decision. But, what you are attempting to do, is illegal, and has heavy consequences. I warn you that pirating and selling takes money away from the creaters/producers, and therefore gives them a reason to sue. And remember, I have stated in my disclaimer, that I am not responsible for what you do. If you get caught, you are on your own. That is why I greatly advise against it. There are many other jobs out there, so why do you want the one where you could get in big trouble, and where you hurt the creators/producers of such fine products. |
There are a few ways in which you can help me. First off, if you have any good sources for MP3's, or any files that I don't have, then please inform me. But for now, I do not need anyone to help with HTML, and stuff like that. And for the lazy people, please click here, to vote for my site on the Anime Pitstop Top 100. |